The Launch Of Bubble Club
Who doesn’t love bubbles, be they in a drink, blowing them or soaking in a tub surrounded by them. Well this feature is all about those opportunities where we get to relish and enjoy “bubbles” in any form whether it be for a special occasion or just because you made it through Monday. Any occasion can be a special occasion once bubbles are involved.
This Sunday October 23, 2016 was most definitely a day that deserved bubbles. Today Leni walked her first half marathon. That’s right folks I walked 21.1km or 13.1 miles on a road for “fun”. By the end of this walk my lemmings “aka self named friends for the day” were no longer touting this as a fun way to spend a Sunday morning but it did start off that way and they were rewarded with bubbles at the end, the liquid variety with optional orange juice, just in case you were concerned dear reader.
This is not my first half marathon, but it was my first time walking. And yes we walked, with the occasional bout of skipping and/or dancing, and possibly some shimmieing. Oh yes it was one of those days.
21.1km has never felt so far away at times and at others so close. But wow what a different experience you get when you walk. Leni and her lemmings got to set off in a packed corral just as the sun rose over the city to a small fanfare. At kilometer 5 we were finally caught by the men’s elite and women’s elite athletes, gosh those slender whippets are fast, closely followed by super speedy weekend warriors and then behind them came some dubious outfits. Think gold lame hot pants, on a man with nothing more than his running shoes. I apologize for no pictures but I’m not sure I could subject you all to that image.
By 13 km Mr. Grennox caught up to us. At the finish line, Leni the injured one felt pretty good but her lemmings were struggling for various reasons. Medals in hand and a change of clothes we trecked back towards the start line and our lunch reservation. Bubbles and lots of bubbles were the only way to celebrate our achievement!!
Rock’n’Roll Vancouver Half Marathon 0 – 1 leniproof
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